23. Keep Sheffield Stainless - helping to buy knife amnesty bins - August 2020
We are pleased to be making another £300 donation this week. Thanks to our member Phil for telling us about Anthony Olaseinde who runs ‘Always an Alternative’ - a non-profit organisation whose aim is to reduce serious youth violence: Knife crime, gun crime and gangs by engaging the youthful minds of today. We hear in the news about the worrying increase in knife crime around the UK, including Sheffield, in recent years . Anthony wanted to do something to try to change this, realising that young people were the main target and offenders of these attacks. 3 years ago he decided to try and reduce knife crime by educating the youth of Sheffield through a campaign called Keep Sheffield Stainless. At Keep Sheffield Stainless, a team of volunteers work to create a safe place for those affected by knife crime to come together, and to reduce the number of knives on the street. They want to significantly reduce the number of people injured and killed by knives. ...