
Showing posts from August, 2020

23. Keep Sheffield Stainless - helping to buy knife amnesty bins - August 2020

We are pleased to be making another £300 donation this week.  Thanks to our member Phil for telling us about Anthony Olaseinde who runs  ‘Always an Alternative’ - a non-profit organisation whose aim is to reduce serious youth violence: Knife crime, gun crime and gangs by engaging the youthful minds of today.  We hear in the news about the worrying increase in knife crime around the UK, including Sheffield, in recent years .  Anthony wanted to do something to try to change this, realising that young people were the main target and offenders of these attacks.  3 years ago he decided to try and reduce knife crime by educating the youth of Sheffield through a campaign called Keep Sheffield Stainless. At Keep Sheffield Stainless, a team of volunteers work to create a safe place for those affected by knife crime to come together, and to reduce the number of knives on the street. They want to significantly reduce the number of people injured and killed by knives.  They also offer educational

22. Helping a Syrian refugee complete his graduate studies in Sheffield - August 2020

Mo is a Syrian refugee, who was looking to raise funds to help him achieve his dream of completing a university course here in Sheffield, giving him the chance to rebuild his life and give back to his new UK home. In the mid 2000s, Mo used to manage an internet cafe in Syria. In 2010, after he completed his undergraduate degree in IT with some of the best grades in the year, he was about to sit technical exams in CISCO (the tools that make the internet happen) when war broke out. His life was threatened because of his use of the internet to criticise the regime. For the last 10 years he's been travelling, chancing, surviving and striving to find a place where he can start to re-imagine and re-build his life.  He has been given 5 years Right To Remain, and is hoping to settle in the UK after that. The Home Office chose Sheffield for him and as luck would have it, Sheffield Hallam University happened to have the perfect university course - Advanced Computer Networks  - and he has suc

21. Eid Mubarak! Providing food hampers to help families celebrate Eid

Many families around the world celebrated Eid on Friday. We were delighted to   donate  £300 to give 15 local families a special Eid food hamper - containing oil, chapati flour, mithi sweets, rice, dates & fruit - plus a small gift of a scarf for each mum. We are attaching a photo of the hampers. We are pleased to be able to support these families & their children through @familyvoicesheffield who are doing tremendous work in Sharrow, Lowfield and Nether Edge areas of Sheffield. ⁣ The hampers were packed & distributed last week. The kids were ecstatic to have watermelon because it is such a rare treat and one mum told the volunteers : ‘I had been sad about Eid, but this has made me very happy’.⁣ ⁣ It made us very happy too, to have been able to help these families celebrate. Eid Mubarak!