
Showing posts from October, 2020

25 - Helping Young Carers stay connected - October 2020

This donation sees £500 split between 3 young carers, who are supported by the fantastic Sheffield Young Carers. In these Covid restricted times having internet access has proved more valuable than ever in so many ways - ensuring we can stay connected with friends, family, work, school, giving us entertainment and access to the wider world when we cannot physically go out.  It’s something most of us probably take for granted. Our £500 is going to make a big difference to these 3 young people.  We are going to be buying 2 routers and 9 months internet provision for 2 of them,  as well as a laptop for the third.  Sheffield Young Carers (SYC) have kindly allowed us to share the stories of 2 of these young people who are going to benefit from our help. Maryam Maryam is 17 years old and cares for her mum who has mental health problems and physical disabilities which affect her mobility. Her mum’s health means that she finds it very difficult to leave the house and needs help with practical