
Showing posts from March, 2020

8. Support for Baby Basics Sheffield helping vulnerable new mothers and families - March 2020

We are pleased to have given £250 to Baby Basics Sheffield, which we hope you agree is an excellent project for us to support. Baby Basics is a volunteer-led project aiming to support new mothers and families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical burden of looking after a new baby. The centre supports families across Sheffield working with a wide range of frontline health and social care professionals. Baby Basics provides much needed essentials and equipment to mothers and families who are unable to provide these items for themselves; including but not limited to teenage mums, people seeking asylum and women fleeing domestic abuse and trafficking. Right now they are a critical service and under enormous pressure trying to meet the surge in demand. In a normal month they might complete 70 referrals - but are currently facing double that number and just don't have the supplies to cope and meet the need. Our £250 will help them purchase additional essential baby supp...

7. Supporting a local foodbank as Covid lockdown takes effect - March 2020

This week's donation goes to Gleadless Valley Foodbank and we are pleased to have sent them £250 to allow them to source additional supplies. Quite a few people asked that we give some support to a Foodbank. One member identified Gleadless Valley Foodbank as being one they had heard was particularly short of supplies and in a very deprived area of Sheffield so we were happy to be able to send a donation to them with our thanks for the tremendous work they are doing.

6 - Helping a lady escape domestic abuse - March 2020

This week we have been pleased to have been able to offer some support to a lady (who we will call J)  who has been in a dreadful situation and is looking to find some escape for herself and her children.  We are giving £500 to J & her children in the hope that it makes the journey she is embarking on just a little bit easier. Her nominator has told us that for many years J has been abused like a modern day domestic slave and been denied any chance of a normal life and the normal things that make us happy. She has decided to take the huge decision to leave, with her three young children. It's going to be immensely hard to be a single parent and cope with the backlash from leaving. The children will be uprooted, there will be a long time in temporary, insecure, changing accommodation with unfamiliar, minimal furniture and bare minimum benefits to survive on. J will have to learn how to do everything for herself, having never previously been allowed any independence or auton...