8. Support for Baby Basics Sheffield helping vulnerable new mothers and families - March 2020

We are pleased to have given £250 to Baby Basics Sheffield, which we hope you agree is an excellent project for us to support.

Baby Basics is a volunteer-led project aiming to support new mothers and families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical burden of looking after a new baby. The centre supports families across Sheffield working with a wide range of frontline health and social care professionals.

Baby Basics provides much needed essentials and equipment to mothers and families who are unable to provide these items for themselves; including but not limited to teenage mums, people seeking asylum and women fleeing domestic abuse and trafficking.

Right now they are a critical service and under enormous pressure trying to meet the surge in demand. In a normal month they might complete 70 referrals - but are currently facing double that number and just don't have the supplies to cope and meet the need.

Our £250 will help them purchase additional essential baby supplies to boost what is being donated locally to allow them to continue supporting vulnerable mothers & families in Sheffield. We are pleased to be able to offer a bit of additional funding and applaud the work they are doing.



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