9. Giving to Family Voice - helping provide emergency support to vulnerable families - April 2020

This weekend we are pleased to be able to send £250 to Family Voice Sheffield.

Family Voice is a fantastic organisation that works with vulnerable families in Sheffield from Totley to Sharrow to the Manor and Pitsmoor. They help with whatever families need - parenting support; increasing confidence/social isolation; learning English; help at home; improving health; family activities or educational support for parents or children. Responding as best they can to need.

Needless to say the Coronavirus pandemic is hitting their families hard and the support Family Voice needs to offer has changed to real emergency support. They already have families who do not have money to top up their electricity, or for food shopping, or to pay the rent.

They are using local newly unemployed volunteers to do shopping for people who have lost money from suddenly losing wages and those who are ALSO having to self isolate because someone in their household is ill or at high risk.

As we all know, there will be a long gap between accessing benefits on line (if they even have the skills and resources to do that) and receiving money.

Family Voice are paying for the volunteers food too as they have recently lost their jobs as well.

Pre-Corona, Family Voice has been there for these vulnerable families. They know them, they have their trust and are in a great position to help and support them at this time of urgent need. These are families who were already struggling and many will be vulnerable to all sorts of abuse, extreme poverty and mental illness.

We are grateful to our member for bringing the organisation to our attention and are pleased we are able to offer them some support towards the incredible work they are doing.

Find our more about Family Voice: https://www.facebook.com/familyvoicesheffield/


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