38 - Supporting a local community organisation - February 2021

Back in November we supported Darnall Wellbeing by providing a laptop for one of their volunteers. This has been so beneficial to the charity, they asked if we might consider offering similar help to another volunteer from their community. We know what amazing work DWB and their team are doing in their local area and are happy to help again - particularly as the two donations combined come to around £500 😃 

Darnall Wellbeing is a local, not-for-profit, community health organisation working to help the people of Darnall, Tinsley and neighbouring areas stay healthy. This area is one of the most deprived in Sheffield. DWB work with local people to help them achieve their goals and build resilience by focusing on what matters to them. 

They offer a combination of services including group activity, 1 to 1 and peer support, volunteering opportunities, Social Prescribing as well as local health campaigns, events and talks. Through their integrated programme, they help people to manage their own health and wellbeing. Their services help to remove barriers through being local, free or low cost, consistent, culturally sensitive where appropriate and help build trust, because they listen and respond to local need. Through increasing access to services, they can help mitigate risks such as loneliness and isolation. 

Community organisations like this have been doing a tremendous job throughout the Covid crisis, but it is increasingly difficult. Their volunteers are critical to the work they do, which is why they have asked us to help. They support others within the community but also benefit themselves from their involvement as a volunteer. 

 We have helped DWB in the past and are more than happy to support them again. The lady we are helping has been struggling to access the online courses and activities on offer and attend meetings within DWB because she and her student daughter share a phone for their joint internet needs - and her daughter’s college work has taken priority. 

 Once again we are stepping in to address digital poverty which is isolating so many people in the absence of in-person activities. It is so easy to take our personal devices for granted and we are pleased to be able to provide something for this lady and her daughter, knowing it will help both of them as well as supporting the important work of Darnall Well Being. 

Darnall Wellbeing have said: Thank you so much for your ongoing support to our volunteers and service users. It is very much needed and appreciated. 

They have also sent us this message from Cookie, the recipient of our help in November: “The computer has enabled me to access my first zoom meeting. It was a good experience, different because I have never done this before. It was good to see everyone on the screen, and feeling I could take part and be brought up to date with current issues. It was Empowering , I just need more practice. I have started using the Excel spreadsheets to prepare a Finance Report and although this is a challenge, I am sure practice will improve my confidence. I am also planning to write a small programme of activity based around Art and Complimentary therapies to use on the Allotment site – This is so very important and uplifting giving feeling of optimism and looking forward to new developments , sowing seeds…..” Thank you for this – Cookie


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