41 - Fresh food packs for families - March 2021
Our 41st donation goes to the Winn Gardens Community in Sheffield, where we have given £500 to fund fresh food packs for families who are helped by the Winn Gardens food bank (which is affiliated to the S6 foodbank).
Thanks to one of our members for making this nomination, an area he knows well and that was recently featured in a Channel 4 programme: https://www. channel4.com/.../home- schooling-affecting...
We got in touch with Suzanne Morton, who featured in the programme and talked to her all about her role as a community pioneer. She does some absolutely amazing work there and we were able to make our donation via Suzanne who runs the Winn Garden food bank.
Suzanne messaged us to say:
'We just wanted to say thank you so so much for the £500 donation that you gave to us for our fresh fruit and vegetables.
Fruit and veg is so very expensive and is one of the things that families with very little money are just not going to buy. And yet is absolutely essential for nutrition for them to build up their resistance to any kind of disease, particularly Covid so I knew that this was something we really had to do.
And your donation is going to put [the fruit and veg project] on a completely firm footing for the future. This makes a difference, this builds immunity to disease and we all know how essential fruit and veg is.'
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