58 - Funding catering workshops for vulnerable adults - Yes2Ventures Oct 2021

Donation 58 goes to Yes2Ventures, a Social Enterprise based in Snig Hill in Sheffield that provides opportunities for vulnerable adults who have difficulties in finding full time employment. Our £500 will pay for a 10 session workshop for 4 new catering trainees, culminating in a showcase meal before Christmas, providing them with vital skills for working in the catering industry. 


We talked to the founder of Yes2Ventures, and he explained how throughout his 40 year career working with vulnerable/disadvantaged people, one fact has shone through; people want to work.  Yes2Ventures trains and employs people who are disadvantaged in the labour market, who struggle to get a foot in the door, and as much as possible aims to reach them before their worklessness becomes entrenched and institutionalised. Yes2Ventures provides people with skills directly needed by employers and along the way sells its good and services (e.g. food/meals, transportation services, a telephone research unit) covering 80% of its costs, leaving the remaining 20% to be funded publicly, or by people like us, at 500 Together!  


We wish all the best to Yes2Ventures and the new trainees and look forward to hearing all about it, thank you to our member who made the nomination.


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