91 - helping an asylum seeker buy items to help with congenital condition - August 2022
This weekend, we are pleased to be able to share news of our 91st donation, which has allowed us to offer help and support to an incredible lady we will refer to as R to protect her identity. We were contacted by Jenny, a member who works as a volunteer in Sheffield with Care4Calais - https://care4calais.org Care4Calais offers crucial support to asylum seekers in the UK, France and Belgium. When asylum seekers arrive in Sheffield they are first housed in hostels and hotels before being moved to shared housing in different parts of the UK. Among many other tasks, Care4Calais volunteers work hard to provide clothing and essential items for asylum seekers who arrive with nothing. Jenny first met R - a delightful young female Iranian asylum seeker - in June this year. R had fled Iran and arrived in the UK on the back of a lorry in December 2021 with just the clothes she stood up in and is now living in a shared house in Sheffield. Jenny & R communicate in Farsi via the Google T...