
Showing posts from August, 2022

91 - helping an asylum seeker buy items to help with congenital condition - August 2022

This weekend, we are pleased to be able to share news of our 91st donation, which has allowed us to offer help and support to an incredible lady we will refer to as R to protect her identity. We were contacted by Jenny, a member who works as a volunteer in Sheffield with Care4Calais - Care4Calais offers crucial support to asylum seekers in the UK, France and Belgium. When asylum seekers arrive in Sheffield they are first housed in hostels and hotels before being moved to shared housing in different parts of the UK. Among many other tasks, Care4Calais volunteers work hard to provide clothing and essential items for asylum seekers who arrive with nothing. Jenny first met R - a delightful young female Iranian asylum seeker - in June this year. R had fled Iran and arrived in the UK on the back of a lorry in December 2021 with just the clothes she stood up in and is now living in a shared house in Sheffield. Jenny & R communicate in Farsi via the Google T

90 - Support for Clothes Bank 'Warm for Winter' project - August 2022

Incredibly this donation is our 90th since we made our first one back in November 2019 - we have also now given away a total of £35,000. It really is wonderful how you all come together to give such support to various nominations sent in by you, our members. A huge thank you! Our latest donation of £500 goes to Lilies Clothes Bank. Despite the hot weather we've been experiencing, the Clothes Bank are getting organised for the cold weather ahead with their "Warm for Winter" project, in which they aim to bring together around 100 packs of hats, neck warmers, fingerless mittens, socks and throws for individuals and families to help combat the increased fuel prices this autumn/winter. Volunteers from a local knitting group are also supporting the project by knitting some of the items and some of our donation has funded the wool they will need, as well as buying blankets to add to the packs. They will also draw on Clothes Bank donations of good quality cold weather

89 - new carpets for family escaping domestic abuse - August 2022

This week's donation (number 89) goes to a mum (F) and her young children who are starting a life in a new home, having spent time in a women’s refuge, following their escape from an abusive situation. F was able to get funds to pay the first week of rent to secure the tenancy, but their circumstances mean she is not entitled to any furniture grant. The house they have moved into needed new carpets, and F also had to source furniture and beds for her children, She has some money saved, but not much, and certainly not enough for all these expenditures, so we were only too happy to send her £500 to put towards the costs. F told us: “£500 really helped us as I was worried how we would afford to carpet our house as we came into the refuge with just our clothes on back and a few toys and not much money so it has really helped to take the pressure off thank you so much”. She has been kind enough to send some photos of the difference the carpets have made. Another brilliant

88 - Helping a family to pay everyday bills - August 2020

This week we can share news of donation 88, which has seen us sending £500 to a local family who are struggling to make ends meet and pay everyday bills. The family comprises three adult siblings living with their Aunt (their mother sadly passed away a few years ago and their Father has never been in the picture) . Two of the siblings are cleaners at a local primary school, but one of them was diagnosed with bowel cancer, at only 27 years old and has been unable to work. The third sibling stepped in to cover some of his work, however they are waiting for extra benefits to cover costs and in the meantime, even though the school has done everything they can to help with bus fares and travel costs, the bills were mounting up. 500 Together was very happy to step in and ease the pressure and help tide them over until more money comes in. We have received a lovely thank you from them, which encapsulates the good your donations do for so many of our recipients. Just want to thank you