89 - new carpets for family escaping domestic abuse - August 2022

This week's donation (number 89) goes to a mum (F) and her young children who are starting a life in a new home, having spent time in a women’s refuge, following their escape from an abusive situation. F was able to get funds to pay the first week of rent to secure the tenancy, but their circumstances mean she is not entitled to any furniture grant. The house they have moved into needed new carpets, and F also had to source furniture and beds for her children, She has some money saved, but not much, and certainly not enough for all these expenditures, so we were only too happy to send her £500 to put towards the costs. F told us: “£500 really helped us as I was worried how we would afford to carpet our house as we came into the refuge with just our clothes on back and a few toys and not much money so it has really helped to take the pressure off thank you so much”. She has been kind enough to send some photos of the difference the carpets have made. Another brilliant donation, and we are sure you will join us in wishing this family all the best in their new home.


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