101 - support for parents dealing with postnatal depression - Nov 2022

Two of our members, Eve and Adam, sent us this nomination about the challenges their friends were facing after the birth of their baby. Thanks to them for taking the time to tell the story:

It is the high quality of people that primarily makes a city great. To our great fortune, Sheffield is blessed with many and you could not wish to meet two better people than John and Christina - two of the kindest, most compassionate people in town.

A year ago the couple were blessed with their first child. Things seemed to be going well at first until Christina came down with severe postnatal depression. It was both heartbreaking to see her decline and how she was suffering with it and yet encouraging to see John rally round her and their child. John currently works remotely at home so while he had to get his work done and be available for his work colleagues, to a degree he could also help tend to Christina and her needs. However, with the depression, Christina was spending every waking moment stressing over their child and combined with the endless months of interrupted sleep for all of them it also began to take its toll on John.

While their parents had been able to come to visit, it was an added burden to have others around to emotionally deal with while already in a very vulnerable state.

A year on things are still very difficult for both of them and they need a break. Right now, Christina is still having a hard time being able to literally think about anything but their child. So we wondered if 500 together might be able to help. They will use the £500 to access some childcare they wouldn't have otherwise been able to afford, and find a way to help Christina spend some quality time with her sister [based in Liverpool] that she's not had all year.

The couple say the donation has given them both such a boost and say it feels "like a mini lottery win!"

We really hope our donation helps John and Christina find the breathing space they need to start to recover.


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