129 - Paying for someone to attend a professional conference as she tries to return to work - July 2023

We are pleased to be back with news of donation 129, where we have sent £495 to J.

J has experienced significant family trauma and is now at the stage where she is re-establishing herself and trying to rebuild her life and her career. Previously she had worked and studied hard to attain an advanced educational qualification, but because of significant trauma for her and her children and associated child care issues, she has not been able to get full time employment in her area of interest. 

Her community worker approached us to ask if 500 Together could pay the cost for J to attend a professional conference in her area of interest taking in place in Sheffield. 

To many of us, having access to and attending a conference and networking with colleagues is a regular part of our working lives that we don’t always stop and think about, whereas for this recipient, it was out of reach. 

So 500 together was very happy to step in and make this happen. We wish J all the best for the future and hope that she can kick start her career again.


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