132 - Help funding the training of a support dog for neurodiverse child - August 2023

This week our £500 donation has gone to a single mum of an 11 year old boy C who has ASD/ADHD and Demand Avoidance.  Times have been incredibly hard for them. Parenting this type of neurodiversity can be extremely challenging.

C has struggled at school, masking his distress as he tried to cope being in the school environment.  He has been bullied and suffers separation anxiety. Eventually it all became too much and he got to a point when he just could no longer attend and has not been in school since April 2022.

It will have been a traumatic and damaging time for C and his mum. They are battling to get C a place in a specialist school that will hopefully be more suited to his needs, but that is a tough fight and it is likely C will be at home for the coming months with very little alternative provision available.

Whilst being out of school, C & his mum have been researching support dogs - they can make such transformative differences when properly trained.  

We were asked if we could make a donation towards the training of the dog, Teddy.

Vicki spoke at length to C’s mum. She definitely deserves for Teddy to help both her son and herself and our donation means she can start the training as early as possible to have the best chance of success.

We were pleased to help. It is another example of our donation not only helping out financially but also reminding someone who is having a desperately hard time that others care about them.

We hope C and his mum have the best of times with Teddy and wish them lots of luck for their school placement appeal and a more settled future.


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