135 - Walking stick and 4 months bus pass for someone struggling to leave house - Oct 2023

 This nomination comes from someone who we once helped out with one of our early donations when she was having a tough time.  A couple of months ago, we were delighted to hear things had improved for her and that she had wanted to join our group as a member.  Honestly, that just made us so happy!

She asked if she could nominate someone who she had been trying to support, and told us about her friend who had suffered a major heart attack a year and a half ago.  He had to have 2 stents fitted and then months later got diagnosed with MS. 

She told us how it's really affected him both physically and mentally. He rarely leaves the house as it’s a struggle for him to walk distances. He has become reluctant to get out to do his shopping and see his friends so he’s always stuck in the house.  She was keen to find a way to try to encourage him to get out more and asked if she could access a donation to buy him a walking stick and a bus pass.

We were pleased to help and have sent him £300 for the walking stick he wanted and 4 months of bus travel.  We hope this will help him get into the habit of leaving his house more and allow him more social interaction without the worries of the financial costs of using public transport.


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