162 - Support VIDA charity fund their craft peer support group - June 2024
We are pleased to be back with news of our latest donation. It's one that sees our overall total of donations to over £70,000. That is amazing - we just love that our collective £1s have allowed this simple group to give away so much over the last few years. Thank you all!
Our 162nd donation has gone to the local charity VIDA. https://vidasheffield.org.uk. This charity provide trauma focused therapy for women and girls who have experienced domestic abuse. They are the only accredited trauma focused service in Sheffield and 70% of their referrals come from the NHS and social services, but neither the Council nor the NHS provide them with any funds.
One of the services they offer is a fortnightly Peer Support Group (craft group) which provides a safe space for women who have experienced abuse to meet. They enjoy the camaraderie and working individually and as a team on various creative projects that they can take away, or contribute to exhibitions. Vida also ensure a therapist is present at sessions to offer support in case any urgent issues arise and help with signposting to other services around housing, benefits, etc.
The women really value this time to just ‘be’. Vida recognise how important this service is and our member who nominated them, asked if we could give them £500 towards stocking up on supplies (stencils, coloured paper, various thicknesses of card, paints, tissue/crepe paper, pens, adhesives, beads, containers, paintbrushes/sponges, palette knives, vinyl, stamping kits, paper embellishments/glitter, inks, tools as well as tea/coffee/biscuits.)
We are pleased to be able to give Vida’s Peer Support Group some stability for some future sessions, knowing they have good supplies to allow the women to relax in a safe environment.
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