163 - Helping Nomad charity support clients - June 2024

 We are pleased to be back with news of donation number 163.

Our members at Nomad (https://nomadsheffield.co.uk) - a local charity aiming to break the cycle of homelessness by empowering people to thrive in safe homes - asked if we might be able to help some of the people they are supporting.

They told us about three situations they would like some funding for:

G, who they felt would benefit from some counselling session for her mental health issues.

M, who needed a Photo ID to get back onto housing register, so would like to apply for his Provisional Drivers Licence

J, who is looking to get back into work, would like to apply for his Taxi Drivers Licence.

We were only too pleased to send Nomad the funds (£294) to help G, M & J and wish them all the best as they strive to achieve their goals.

We are always pleased to work with local organisations to help in areas they can identify - please keep these nominations coming in. 


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