185 - Help for a child with spina bifida - Nov 24
With this latest donation we have joined forces with our friends at SHASBAH (Sheffield Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus). One of their members had asked them for help in buying a laptop as well as a cosy wheelchair fleece and electric blanket for their son, who is a full-time wheelchair user and has spina bifida. The son’s old laptop had broken and the loss of it was having quite a significant impact on him, as watching cartoons and playing games on the laptop is his primary form of entertainment. The mum is on a student visa and experiencing financial constraints due to part-time work and lower resources, and is unable to afford a new laptop. She was also asking for some help to get an electric blanket and a cosy fleece for her son’s wheelchair to keep him warm during the winter months. SHASBAH were able to award the family a £300 grant, and we were pleased to add £394 to enable them to buy the laptop, blanket and fleece. As always we are pleased to help and thank Nina a...