
170 - Clothes for a Kurdish refugee family - August 2024

After the events of this week, it seems timely we are able to share news of donation   170 , which has gone to help out a Kurdish family who are refugees, recently arrived in Sheffield - with nothing. They are a single mother, a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy. The boy is waiting to be given a school place and the girl is waiting on a college place.   We want to give a big thank you to the efforts communities in Sheffield are making to support refugees. Our member who has made this nomination is involved with one of the fabulous organisations operating in Sheffield, which do so much to support and keep people safe in our city.  We are grateful for all they do, and are always ready to get involved when they ask us for some support.   We have sent the family £500 which they have used primarily to buy much needed clothes, including uniform for school/college, so that they are ready to go when the places are provided,  Our member has reported back that they have managed to buy a lot

169 - Helping a student with cost of living - Aug 2024

For donation   169   we have been able to send £500 to a young man who has started a PGCE to become a secondary school Maths teacher. Due to his Developmental Language Disorder he has found some aspects of the course really challenging. He has been advised to take a 6 month break from the course and to secure a position as a TA to hone his skills. He is applying to schools in the area and has done some exam invigilating, which does not cover his living expenses for himself and his partner who is disabled. Universal credit have only provided £350 as a one off benefit - he is applying for more support and was on the brink of having to move out of his flat due to being unable to pay the rent. Despite not really being in a position to do so, his mother stepped in, paying his rent and bills and providing food during this lean period between work and university - his bursary has been halted until he starts the course again in January. This is putting pressure on her own finances and isn'

168 - Help Rosehip Project support refugees and asylum seeker - July 2024

We are pleased to be back with news of another donation.   Your nominations have been coming in thick and fast recently, which means every £1 generously sent in is immediately getting back out where it can make an important impact, which is wonderful.  Thank you all! Donation  168  has allowed us to send £500 to The Rosehip Project – a social and therapeutic horticulture project supporting refugees and people seeking asylum in Sheffield.  The project aims to turn an unused patch of ground on an allotment site in North Sheffield, into an abundant and colourful garden, growing plants that can be used for natural dye. By partnering with organisations that support refugees and people seeking asylum, as well as other community groups, they will be running workshops that focus on bringing people together to create garments and materials dyed with the plants they grow. The workshops will encompass all stages of this process, from sowing and planting all the way to harvesting and crafting. The

167 - support for a bereaved family - July 2024

We are pleased to be back with news of our latest donation, which has gone to a young person being supported by HOPE SY Trauma Support ( ) , a charity that supports people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic bereavement by car collision, fire or drowning. We were asked if we could help with a £500 donation to help with costs associated with the funeral the person is having to organise. Our donation will allow them to buy a decent outfit to wear, help with the funeral costs and allow them to say goodbye without the additional financial stress. Thanks to our member for making this nomination. We send our love and sincere condolences to our recipient.

166 - Paying emergency rent for family after unexpected death of husband - July 2024

  This weekend we are back with donation   166   - another donation that has made an enormous difference.  Honestly, we are so grateful to everyone who sends us their weekly donations and to those of you who are able to make these incredible nominations that steer us in the right direction to allow us to help.  We know our donations are often just a sticking plaster where something far more substantial is needed, but more often than not, our small gift is also a reminder to the recipient that they are not alone - that people care and want to offer some love and support.  This week, we have helped a mum at her time of need. Her husband died suddenly and unexpectedly leaving her as a single mum with no family here and no income. The money from 500 Together has given her time to be able to stay in her accomodation for a month before making huge life decisions. It's taken a lot of pressure off anything having to happen immediately during a time when it's incredibly hard to think. 

165 - Buying a special needs buggy for autistic child - June 2024

  With this donation of £330 we have been able to support a family who have a 4 year old autistic daughter.  Our member asked if we might be able to fund a special buggy for the girl, who is unable to walk safely to nursery - a normal buggy is no longer suitable for her, and is causing a lot of stress whenever they try to leave the house.   Having a child with additional needs brings so many challenges, many of which add additional and unexpected financial strains.  We are so pleased to have the opportunity to buy the family this special buggy, which will mean the girl no longer has to suffer the distress and discomfort of her feet dragging along the floor when they go out.  We know it will make a massive difference to the very difficult daily life of this family and we are really happy to help.   As always we are grateful for this thoughtful nomination and thank all our members for continuing to put your £1 into the pot to allow us to help.  

164 - Supporting refugees from Afghanistan - June 2024

One of our members got in touch to ask if we might be able to help a family she has been supporting who are refugees from Afghanistan. After suffering numerous hardships, delays and mishaps from the UK and Pakistani governments, the family (originally from Afghanistan) were granted leave to come to the UK at the end of 2023 and arrived at the beginning of this year. The family comprises mum (S) & dad (A), their three children, aged 2, 3 and 4 and A’s orphaned brothers aged 15 and 19. A works in a supermarket to support the family and has managed to secure a flat, with the seven of them sharing two bedrooms.  The family has suffered so much over the past few years and are delighted and grateful to be in the UK at last. Obviously, money is beyond tight for the family and they live off the bare minimum.   The 2 brothers have now been accepted onto college courses which will allow them to develop their English and also learn new skills which will aid them in their future education and