45 - Supplying a gate to keep garden secure for family - May 2021

Our 45th donation of £100  shows that a little can go a long way.  Our member Penny told us about a lady we will refer to as H because she needs her anonymity protecting.

H had told Penny that she could not allow her young son to play freely in their back garden because there was nothing to stop him running out onto the busy main road.  She really needed a gate at the side of her house but was not in a position to pay for this herself.  

It became much more urgent when he learnt how to open the backdoor by himself and he did manage to wander off down the road.  Luckily he was found safe by neighbours a few streets away, but it made the situation more critical.  It has been difficult to find anyone with availability to fit the gate, let alone at a reasonable cost.  But then a lovely friend of H’s offered to do it as a favour and asked just £100 for the materials.  

We were only too happy to fund this, meaning H and her son can start to enjoy their outside space without constant vigilance.  Or at least they will be able to once this crazy May weather improves.


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