49 - Helping families with high cost of school uniforms - June 2021

Our member Kate, from the excellent community support organisation Family Voice asked if we could help fund some school uniform for families who work with them. 

The request has opened our eyes to the eye-watering cost of some local schools’ uniform requirements - which even include compulsory (Academy) school branded PE socks.  For a family newly settled here, perhaps seeking asylum, the cost of kitting out multiple kids so they can fit in at their new school is astounding. Sheffield council and schools no longer offer financial support (possibly because the demand would be so big.)

In addition, schools do not have the same secondhand arrangements they might have operated through PTAs pre covid so families are expected to buy new. 

Sadly our £500 isn’t enough to meet the needs of all the families but we did want to offer some help in the situation - we know it will make a difference. 

It is hard to imagine not having enough money to buy essentials and also having to buy uniform for your children - knowing that wearing the right clothes could make a real difference to how they are received in the school community by both other pupils and school staff. 

We are pleased to be able to help.


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