73 - Support for a family needing documents to apply for Settled status - March 2022

Donation 73

Our member told us about a family she works with who needed our help:

'This lovely lady is originally from the Czech Republic and has been living in Darnall for over 10 years. She has a partner and 4 children and another baby on the way.
All  EU citizens settled in the UK before the year 2020 were required to apply for settled status before June 2021. This family has applied before the deadline, however their passports and birth certificates got lost in the post on the way to the Home Office and were never found. For this reason they have their Settlement application still pending.
Because of this situation and with the new rules following Brexit, they have now had their Universal Credit stopped and the whole family only have the child benefit to live on. They are behind on paying rent and can’t afford to buy food or a formula for their child. On some days the children cannot even attend school as the family has no money for bus fare.
Not having valid identity documents is causing them a lot of other issues as well.
The family are receiving support, and have been referred to Citizen’s Advice and foodbank .'
We are only too pleased to be able to help this family, sending them £500.  Their nominator will support them to use it to pay for the cost of 3 new birth certificates and passports.  This will help progress their pending Home office application to get Settled Status, which will allow them to renew their Universal Credit claim. Remaining funds will be used to buy bus passes for 3 children so they can keep going to school and continue with their education.
A brilliant nomination, and one we are delighted to be able to support. 
A huge thanks to this member for the support they are giving this family to help them manage our donation and ensure they can navigate through the complex processes involved.


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