78 - Support for Lilies Clothes Bank - May 2022
We are pleased to be back with news of donation number 78. This time £500 goes to Lilies Clothes Bank, to buy some new kids underwear, socks and young girls' crop tops - the kind of items that you need to buy new but really make the bills add up for families buying them.
Lilies clothes bank started up in January 2021, after one of the volunteers at Grace foodbank saw that families in the area (some of whom were being helped by the foodbank), were also struggling for essential clothes and warm clothing in the middle of lockdown and an extremely cold winter.
Every Monday since then, Lilies clothes bank has been operating in Jordanthorpe, helping families in receipt of benefits/ free school meals and individuals in hardship with clothes and has also run several clothing 'events', with a theme - school uniform, baby clothes, small children's clothes. At Christmas time they gave away lots of warm clothing and winter coats alongside food bank donations.
All in all, Lilies clothes bank is hoping to make a massive difference to the local community. We are really pleased to help them so that they can purchase some new essential children's items.
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