123 - Helping local charity fund the printing of their community newsletter - may 2023
Our latest donation of £133 is a little different from some we have made in the past, but one we think will have a really beneficial impact locally. We were approached by one of our members who works for Darnall Well Being - a local charity we have supported in the past when they have told us about individuals they work with, who we have been able to help. Darnall Well Being (DWB) provides health & wellbeing services in one of the most deprived areas of Sheffield – the Darnall Ward. Their core remit is to address health inequalities. They work with local people to help them achieve their goals and build resilience by focusing on what matters to them. https:// darnallwellbeing.org.uk/home/ about/ At the start of Covid, they introduced a 16 page colour newsletter, the Community Connector , which was published 3 times a year, and was delivered to every household in Darnall ward (8,300 households). They originally started this with Covid funding, because they were ver...